Morning Car Rider Reminders:
1.If there are no cars in front of you, please pull all the way up to the handicap spaces before letting your student out of the car.
2.Once stopped all cars between the handicap spaces and the railing for the auditorium should let their student(s) out.
3.If your student needs more time to get out of the car please pull all the way through into a parking space.
4.We only use one lane in the mornings so please do not use the outside lane during this time.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures:
Our top priority is keeping our students safe. An administrator will stand at the top of the car rider line with a whistle. Students MUST watch for their rides.
1. Once the administrator sounds his/her whistle with 2 short whistles, students may load their vehicles.
2. Once everyone is loaded in that grouping, the administrator will sound his/her whistle with one long whistle, which signals cars are moving.
3. All students should now be on the sidewalk. Cars will move out during this time.
VERY IMPORTANT...Often, students are too busy chatting or playing on their phones to pay attention to find their ride. Let's help our students be respectful of everyone picking up their child and expect our child to help out by paying attention. If your student fails to watch for his/her ride and does not load at the correct time, you will need to follow the other cars around the loop, but, instead of exiting the parking lot, you will need to merge back into the loop.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, April 11
- Friday, May 9
- Saturday, May 10